Lighting: Carlito’s Way


In the movie, “Carlito’s Way”, low-key lighting was used. The textbook states, “low-key lighting is often used for intense dramatic scenes, horror films, mystery thrillers, and the like” (p. 89). “Carlito’s Way” is full of dramatic scenes. This lighting technique was essential in creating a tone of danger, suspense, and intrigue.

The benefits of this type of lighting is that it supports the mood the director is trying to create in the film. I would say the theme of the movie could be sacrifices of trying to obtain success. The lighting contributes to this theme because it is bleak just as the outcome of Carlito Brigante’s attempts at being a law-abiding and successful person.

This film falls into the gangster genre of film. The low-key lighting is essential to this genre. It helps to illustrate the dark criminal worlds of these types of movies.

If this movie had been done in high-key lighting, it may not have been taken as seriously. High-key lighting is usually associated with “comedies, happy scenes, institutional and office scenes, and the like” (Goodykoontz & Jacob, 2011).

Clip from “Carlito’s Way”




Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From watching to seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.



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